11-12 June 2025
Vienna, Austria

Dear Speaker / Panelist / Moderator,

Welcome to the Online Speaker Portal for ETCSEE 2025, where you can access all the information you need to prepare your speaking slot.

Good luck with the preparations. We look forward to working with you toward another successful event!

Patrick Bauduin, Content Director

Patrick Bauduin, ETCSEE 2021


Quick Links

Speaker Guidelines
Promote your Participation


Being a presenter at ETCSEE can be an exciting experience and we are committed to assisting you in making your presentation a success.

Making a good impression during a presentation means a better response from the audience, resulting in new contacts and business. We advise you to present in an interactive and informative way, with clear language, and not to rely on PowerPoint to get your message across. Be different, engaging, inspiring and add anecdotes, stories or visual material to make your talk stand out.

Key Guidelines

  • All presentations are 15 minutes long unless otherwise specified.
  • All PowerPoint slides should have a ratio of 16:9.
  • Maximum 15 slides per presentation.
  • We advise you not to read from the slides or from your notes - non-scripted deliveries are far more engaging and personal.
  • Restrain from self-publicity. Product and services marketing is typically poorly received by the audience and is not allowed.
  • Your presentation must be created specifically for this event, to avoid any repetition of other events.

If you have questions, contact Lena.Hartandi@clarionevents.com.

Audiovisual Equipment

The conference room is equipped with:

  • Screen, where your presentation will be displayed
  • Laptop to upload your presentation (located at the Technician AV Desk)
  • Clip on the microphone for speaker/moderator
  • Stage with lectern and microphone for speaker
  • Handheld microphones for Q&A

If you have any special audiovisual requirements, contact us before 12 May. AV technicians will be available each day to upload presentations on the conference laptop and assist speakers with technical issues.

Practical Information

Speaking slot, 15 minutes 
Each speaker has 15 minutes for his/her presentation (see the Conference Programme) with 5 minutes allocated to questions from the audience. When you are preparing your talk, plan for this duration and please don't run over the time allocated; this will give the chairman enough time to introduce you. 

Presentation format 
The presentation format should be compatible with Microsoft Office 2010.

Arrival at the conference room 
Arrival should be 30 minutes prior to the start of the session. On arrival, check that your presentation has been correctly uploaded onto the conference laptop and that the PowerPoint file runs correctly.

Online Presentations

All presentations will be published on the ETCSEE website after the event, for a limited period of time.

Conference delegates will receive a web link to access the papers.

Your Presentation
Should you wish your presentation not to be uploaded online, please let us know by 12 June; contact Lena.Hartandi@clarionevents.com.

Promote your Participation

In order to drive traffic to your session and the conference, we have created a few tools that you can use to inform your network about your participation and about the event.

Invite your Network

Share the event with your network, and invite your colleagues to attend ETCSEE 2025 and join you in Vienna. Share this link with your network: www.energytradingcsee.com/speaker-invite and give them the code: speaker-invite to add to the payment page (after checkout), so they can benefit from your speaker invite discount.

Event Banner

To promote your involvement as a speaker in this event, you can use the event banner on your social media, e-mail signature or other promotion channels you may want to use.

ETCSEE 2025 Speaker banner

Join the Discussion Pre-Event

LinkedIn is a platform where you can easily promote your participation to your network. Post regular updates on your activity feed and tell your network to come and listen to your presentation.  



You can also connect with over 10,600 energy trading professionals on the Energy Trading Europe LinkedIn group, discussing the latest developments in the CSEE region & set up appointments with your peers who you would like to meet on 11-12 June in Vienna!



There are many logistical details that are best organised in advance, so we appreciate your cooperation with the deadlines communicated.

Speaker Agreement: as soon as possible   
Speaker Information
: as soon as possible    
Hotel Accommodation: 12 May
Speaker Registration: 23 May
Special AV Request: 12 May
PowerPoint Presentation: 4 June

Speaker Agreement

To confirm your participation as a speaker / contributor during ETCSEE 2025, please read the Speaker Agreement and complete the form on this page to confirm your details. 

Speaker Information 

The purpose of submitting your biographical information is to promote your participation on the event website and in the onsite conference material.
Please send your information together with your headshot photo (.jpg format) upon confirmation of your speaking slot to Patrick.Bauduin@clarionevents.com.

Hotel Accommodation

Hotel and travel costs are your own expense. Our partners, EventBeds, have sourced the best local hotels to ensure your accommodation booking process is simple and seamless. If you want to secure your reservation at a discounted rate, please be advised to make your reservations as early as possible - for more information on how to book please go to our Venue & Stay page.

Speaker Registration

In order to have your badge available at the registration desk, we kindly ask you to make your speaker registration by clicking here.

Final Presentation 

In order to prepare for the event, we would like to ask you to send your PowerPoint presentation by 4 June.
The PowerPoint file should not exceed 5 MB and should be sent to Lena.Hartandi@clarionevents.com.
This will then be forwarded to your session moderator.
Last-minute changes to the PowerPoint presentation can still be made.
Make sure that you bring your final presentation with you to the conference on a USB memory stick.


Does Clarion Energy provide speaker honorariums?
Clarion Energy is unable to provide speaker honorariums.

How do speakers arrange for travel and hotel accommodation?
Each speaker is responsible for their own hotel and travel arrangements.
Clarion Energy is unable to provide hotel and travel reimbursements.
Check this page to find out how you can make use of the ETCSEE special hotel rates.

Are there any special hotel rates for speakers and attendees?
Yes, we have negotiated preferential hotel rates for speakers and attendees. For more information please check this page.

As a speaker, do I get free access to the conference?
Speaker passes are free of charge and provide full access to ETCSEE 2025. Registration includes admission to the conference, exhibition and networking evening, as well as lunch, coffee, tea and refreshments during the two days.

As a speaker, do I need to register myself for the conference?
Yes, you should register as a speaker, please click here. Your badge will be ready when you arrive at the conference venue.

What audiovisual equipment will be available in the conference rooms?
In the conference rooms, a laptop, projector, screen, laser pointer and a clip-on microphone will be available. If you have any special requests for additional audiovisual equipment, contact Lena.Hartandi@clarionevents.com.

Can I use my own laptop for my presentation?
Yes, if desired, you can use your own laptop during your presentation. However, in order to stay on schedule and move efficiently from presenter to presenter, it would be better to load your presentation onto the conference laptop. Should you wish to use your own laptop, please notify us 2 weeks prior to the conference.

When will I be able to check my presentation?
If you wish to check your presentation, please inform Patrick Bauduin Patrick.Bauduin@clarionevents.com at the conference venue.
He will make arrangements for you to run through your presentation and familiarise yourself with the AV set-up in the break prior to your presentation.
Each speaker is urged to come to the conference room at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. This allows you to meet the chairman and other speakers and discuss last-minute details. This will also be the last moment to load your presentation onto the laptop. You may bring any changes to your presentation on a USB Memory Stick.

How will the conference presentations be made available to conference delegates?
All presentations will be published on the website after the event for a limited period of time. Conference delegates receive a web link and password to access the presentations.

When will I need to submit the final presentation?
Your PowerPoint presentation is due on 4 June. Last-minute changes to the PowerPoint presentation can still be made, but please make sure that you bring your updated presentation with you to the conference.