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At the ETCSEE conference, we discuss the latest CEE and SEE power and gas market trends. This year specifically, we also discussed the impact of the reform of the power market design, the end of the Ukrainian gas transit contract, and the implications of the AggregateEU platform for the region. Check out the 2024 Programme below.

Our Power Track mostly focused on opportunities for the regional renewables market and on GO (Guarantees of Origin) market developments. There will also be dedicated sessions focusing on Market Coupling and Trading opportunities in South Eastern Europe, as well as regional intraday power market developments in the CEE region.

In our Gas Track, we mostly focused on Strategies for Managing Supply and Demand Elasticity in the SEE and CEE regions. How to diversify energy supply routes? How is the rising LNG market changing our gas hub landscape? Is Europe missing out on biomethane market? These are just a few of the questions that featured in the many discussions this year. 

And, as usual, ETCSEE catered for plenty of networking opportunities!


2024 Programme

  1. 10 mins
    • Plenary Sessions
    Opening and housekeeping announcements from the Organiser
  1. 45 mins
  1. 85 mins
  1. 15 mins
    • Gas Track
    European Energy Security
  2. 15 mins
    • Power Track
    New developments and old problems. Sunny summer outlook to SEE market integration. Harmonized regulation or a patchwork rug? The liquidity issue. Sun rays at the bottom of the canyon.
  1. 60 mins
    • Gas Track
    Panel: The end of the Ukrainian gas transit contract and the way forward for regional power & gas demand Implications for the region. What are the next steps? Implications of Ukraine reconstruction ef ...
  2. 15 mins
    • Power Track
    Larger, Closer, Faster, Greener: Short-term power markets integration and development trends Liquidity development outlook in the Continental short-term power markets The upcoming pan-European Intrada ...
  1. 45 mins
    • Gas Track
  1. 30 mins
    • Power Track
  1. 15 mins
    • Plenary Sessions
    Maximizing short-term trade profits with the power of AI
  1. 15 mins
    • Plenary Sessions
    Virtual Power Plants for the optimization of short term forecasts for solar/wind power plants
  1. 15 mins
    • Plenary Sessions
    PPA opportunities and challenges in the region Assessment of market trends and predicting its needs Exploration of opportunities and development of innovative products Challenges arising from conclusi ...
  1. 240 mins
    Traders Networking Evening venue: Városliget Café & Restaurant Olof Palme prom. 5. Budapest, 1146 W: We ask those attending to meet us at the side entrance of the InterCo ...
  1. 45 mins

ETCSEE Live Event

Digital Series

In Cooperation with Enlit Europe, ETCSEE brings you online interviews, webinars and articles about the European Energy Markets, 365 days a year. This way, you can listen to our expert speakers whenever you want, wherever you want. 

Our interviews give an insight of what’s on the mind of our energy trading community, while in our interactive online sessions, we discuss the market design, power and gas prices, market forecasts, innovative products, technology in trading and more.


About Our Programme

  • "ETCSEE has always been the best conference for the energy trading quarters to learn recent developments and trends in Central and South Eastern Europe energy markets."
    Eser Özdil
    GLOCAL Group Consulting