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Conference Presentations 2024

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Conference Presentations 2024



5 June

Plenary Opening Session

CSEE power market design and gas market measures, what’s next?


Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar - Center on Global Energy Policy

Pál Ságvári, Vice President For Strategic and International Affairs - Hungarian Energy And Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)

Anje Stiers, Head of EU Representative Office - European Energy Exchange AG

Peter Kotek, senior research associate - REKK

Gas Track (5 June)

The future of CEE gas markets

  • Aura Sabadus, Senior Energy Journalist at ICIS and Research Fellow - Energy Community
  • Gottfried Steiner, CEO - Central European Gas hub AG  (download presentation)
  • Markus Krug, Deputy Head of Gas Department - E-Control
  • Volker Lauer, Gas Origination East - RWE Supply & Trading


The end of the Ukrainian gas transit contract and regional gas supply outlooks

  • Geoffrey Pyatt, Assistant Secretary of State, Energy Resources - U.S. Department of State (watch video)
  • Olga Khakova, Deputy director for energy security - Atlantic Council


The end of the Ukrainian gas transit contract and the way forward for regional power & gas demand

  • Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, senior energy adviser - Baker & McKenzie
  • Olga Khakova (*Virtual), Deputy director for energy security - Atlantic Council
  • Vitaly Butenko, CEO - JSC Energy Company of Ukraine
  • Andrii Prokofiev, Head of Business Development - Gas TSO of Ukraine
  • Agneta Kutcelim, Head of the Department of Commercial Activity - Ukrtransgaz

Power Track (5 June)

Opportunities for the regional renewables and GO market

  • Dina Lašová, Head of Sales and Customer Relations - PXE  (download presentation)
  • Gabor Csanak, Senior PPA Manager - GoldenPeaks Trading Switzerland AG
  • Monika Morawiecka, Senior Advisor - The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
  • Laurentiu Urluescu, Chairman - AFEER (The Romanian Association of Energy Suppliers)
  • Stanislav Dudka, Head of Power Trading International - D.TRADING


Market Coupling and Trading Opportunities in South Eastern Europe

  • Pierre Dechamps, Senior Advisor - FTI Consulting (download presentation)
  • Plamen Popov, Senior Associate - Correggio consulting (download presentation)
  • David Assaad, Director Marketing & Customer Solutions - EPEX Spot (download presentation)
  • Ermela Hoxha, Portfolio Manager - Statkraft Trading
  • Marina Šljivančanin, Chief ESG officer - EPCG
  • Milena Videnova, Managing Director - Axpo Bulgaria & Board member of ATEB
  • Simon Shutinoski, CEO - National Electricity Market Operator of North Macedonia – MEMO Ltd
  • Sokol Dishnica, CEO - ALPEX
  • Levent Özcan Caner, Board member - ETD (Energy Traders Association Turkey)


Clearing after the crisis

  • Rafael Plata, Secretary-General - European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (download presentation)
  • Christos Nikolaidis, Chief Operating Officer - EnExClear
  • Jörg Schenderlein, Director Clearing Strategy - European Commodity Clearing AG
  • Babett Pavlics, CEO - KELER CCP
  • Łukasz Goliszewski, CEO - IRGiT

6 June

Plenary Session - AM

Strategies for Managing Supply and Demand Elasticity in Central & South Eastern Europe

  • Hendrik Pollex, Director, System Operation - ENTSOG
  • Victor Binzari, CEO - Energocom
  • Sandro Giannotti, Head Gas Trading - Axpo
  • Aura Sabadus, senior energy journalist at ICIS and Research Fellow - Energy Community
  • Natasha Fielding, Editor, European Natural Gas - Argus Media

Gas Track (6 June)

Market update for the South Eastern European gas markets

  • Gregor Weinzettel, Gas Expert - Energy Community (download presentation)
  • Michael Merz, Managing Director & Founder - Ponton (download presentation)
  • Davide Rubini, Head of Regulatory Affairs - Vitol
  • Iryna Skliar, Director, Representative Office in Belgium - Naftogaz of Ukraine
  • Agneta Kutcelim, Head of the Department of Commercial Activity - Ukrtransgaz
  • Gerasimos Avlonitis, Senior Director, Market and System Development - DESFA SA
  • Andrii Prokofiev, Head of Business Development - Gas TSO of Ukraine
  • Eleni Charisi, Head of Sales - EnExGroup
  • Nolina Pomparau, Head of Gas and Fuel Products Department - Ministry of Energy of Moldova (download presentation)
  • Petya Ivanova, CEO - Balkan Gas Hub


Power Track (6 June)

Market update for the CEE electricity markets

  • Gabor Szatmari, Territory Manager CEE - EnAppSys - Montel  (download presentation)
  • Arkadiusz Zieleźny, Vice President - Polish Energy Traders Association
  • Gábor Orbán, CEO - MVM Partner Zrt.
  • Jozsef Balogh, Business Developer - Axpo
  • Gašper Rugelj, Head of Ultra-Short Optimization and Algorithmic Trading - GEN-I
  • Mátyás Vajta, CEO - HUPX