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Conference Presentations 2023

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Conference Presentations 2023



14 June 2023

Plenary Opening Session - AM

What is the ‘new normal’ for the European energy sector and how do we get there?  

Yusuf Ilimsever, Managing Director - Enerjisa Commodities

Mark Copley, CEO - EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders)

Vitaly Butenko, CEO - JSC Energy Company of Ukraine (Download Presentation)

Anne-Sophie Corbeau, Global Research Scholar - Center on Global Energy Policy

Csilla Bartok, Team Leader for Gas Markets and Energy Retail - ACER

Dmytro Malyar, CEO - D.Trading Ukraine

Gas Track (14 June)

What will the reconstruction of the Ukrainian energy market mean for Europe?

Aura Sabadus, Senior Energy Journalist at ICIS and Research Fellow - Energy Community

Giuseppe Grimaldi, Associate Director - Senior Economist - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (Download Presentation)

Iryna Mykhaylenko, Head of origination - Naftogaz Trading Europe

Kirill Brazhko, Head of Analytics - D.Trading Ukraine (Download Presentation)



Market update for the South Eastern European gas market

Doug Wood, Board member - EFET

Gregor Weinzettel, Gas Expert - Energy Community

Agneta Kutcelim, Head of the Department of Commercial Activity - Ukrtransgaz (Download Presentation)

Dmytro Lyppa, CEO - Gas TSO of Ukraine

Yuliya Georgieva, Gas Origination and Trading Manager - Overgas

Elena Sirghi, Lead Specialist - Policy Regulation and International Affairs Section - Moldovatransgaz LLC

Gerasimos Avlonitis, Senior Director, Market and System Development - DESFA SA

Sefa Furkan Gül, Head of Gas Trading and Origination - Enerjisa Commodities

Vadim Ceban, CEO - Moldovagaz

Caner Can, Energy Counselor, Permanent Delegation of Türkiye to the EU - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Türkiye

Emmanouil Kalaitzakis, Director, Strategy & Business Development - HEnEx S.A. (Download Presentation)

Power Track (14 June)

How to scale up renewables? - Redesigning Electricity Markets

Christian Baer, Secretary General - Europex

Mihaela Dimitrova, Associate - Gugushev & Partners Law Office (Download Presentation)

Nikola Gazdov, Chairman - APSTE - Association for Production, Storage and Trading of Electricity / Re-Source

Radu Luca, Member of the Board - AFEER (The Romanian Association of Energy Suppliers)

Arben Kllokoqi, Director for Electricity Market Design - EFET

Martin Kreuzberg, Head of Origination - D.Trading International 



Market integration and development - what are the impacts on CEE electricity markets?

Balazs Felsmann, Chairman of the Board - HETA (Hungarian Energy Traders' Association)

Mátyás Vajta, CEO - HUPX (Download Presentation)

Bálint Vass, Head of Power Trading - MET International

Varinia Radu, Partner & Deputy Head of CEE Energy Projects - CMS law

Monika Morawiecka, Senior Advisor - The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)

Dina Lašová, Head of Sales and Customer Relations - PXE (Download Presentation)

Mateusz Luśnia, Manager for international Cooperation - IRGIT (Download Presentation)

Jan Bohinec, Head of Market and Portfolio Intelligence - Gen-i

Plenary Session - PM

Energy Price Drivers

Andreja Zupan, Member of the management board - Gen-i

Eike Arndt, Head of Business Development, Strategies and Partnerships - energy & meteo systems GmbH

Jean-Paul Harreman, Director - EnAppSys (Download Presentation)

Leon Droenner, Data Scientist - 4Cast (Download Presentation)

Jozsef Balogh, Business Developer - AXPO

Jozsef Turai, market research & analytics - T-Energy Advisory Ltd

15 June 2023

Plenary Session - AM

How secure is Europe’s energy supply?

Davide Rubini, Head of Regulatory Affairs - Vitol

Victor Binzari, CEO - Energocom (Download Presentation)

Jasmina Trhulj, Head of Electricity Unit - Energy Community

Andrea Paltrinieri, Associate Professor of Banking and Finance - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Greg Molnar, Gas Analyst - IEA

Gas Track (15 June)

Emerging trends in CEE gas markets

Ágnes Horváth, Chief Economist - MOL Group

Volker Lauer, Gas Origination East - RWE Supply & Trading

Gottfried Steiner, CEO - Central European Gas Hub AG (Download Presentation)

Iñaki Merkel, Principal - Horváth & Partner GmbH (Download Presentation)

Jozsef Vincze, Senior Structured Trader - MET International

Power Track (15 June)

Regional Power market insights from South Eastern Europe

Herodotus Antonopoulos, President - ESEPIE

Ermela Hoxha, Portfolio Manager - Statkraft Trading

Emre Furkan Borak, Power Trader - Enerjisa Commodities

Omiros Vlachos, Long Term Trading Director - PPC S.A.

Dejan Draskovic, COO - MEPX - Montenegrin Power Exchange (Download Presentation)