11-12 June 2025
Vienna, Austria

03 May 2024

Forecasts and Nowcasts

energy & meteo systems Stand: 23
energy & meteo systems
Forecasts and Nowcasts

As an expert at the interface between meteorology and the energy industry, energy & meteo systems provides pioneering solutions to precisely forecast, trade and integrate fluctuating solar and wind power. We deliver our power forecasts worldwide for solar and wind power plants with a total capacity of more than 500 GW – ranging from individual parks to large portfolios.

We offer a range of customized forecasting services to plant operators, aggregators, power traders and grid operators. Aggregators and power traders receive portfolio forecasts and market forecasts for trading renewables, taking into account the new grid management processes. For grid operators, we supply regional forecasts, grid node-specific forecasts and separate forecasts for the possible and actual power output.
